Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd
(A Joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi)
Advt No. DMRC/PERS/22/HR/2010 (08), Dated: 03/09/2010
Requirement of two posts of General Manager (Finance) for DMRC The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a Joint venture company with equity participation from Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi, has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail based Mass Rapid transit System for Delhi.
Applications are invited from dynamic, experienced and highly motivated Finance executives having experience of handling Finance & Accounts of large Govt. / PSU organizations involved in major construction project or other big industries. The appointment shall be on deputation/ direct recruitment/immediate absorption basis as per details mentioned below.
General Manager (Finance) - 2 posts
Eligibility: Officers of Central Group-‘A’ services like IA&AS, IRAS, ICAS etc.
PSU Executives with qualifications of CA/ICWA having managerial experience at a senior level and experience in Corporate financial Management and accounts including project finance and budgetary control, institutional finance, working capital management in an organization of repute.
Experience: 1. Central “Gr-A”Officers Should have a minimum of 17 years executive /Gazetted service in Finance and Accounts department and (i)Should be in the SAG level (pay band PB-4 with grade pay Rs.10,000/-). OR
(ii)With 5 years service in Selection Grade level (PB-4, with grade pay Rs.8700) or 2 years service in Intermediate level (i.e PB-4 with Grade pay Rs.8900)
PSU officers :- Should have a minimum of 24 years executive service and (i)Should be working in E8 level (Rs.51300-73000).
OR (ii)Should be working in E7 level (grade Rs.43200-66000) for a minimum of 2 years.
Age limit: 52 years
Pay scale: Rs.51300-73000 (IDA)
Last Date: 24.09.2010
Last Date is Extended upto 15.10.2010Details & Application format
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